Wednesday, 25 January 2012

I'm Alan Partridge

Smell the Movies
Smell the TV

Transmitted:November 1997 - December 2002
Country of origin:UK
Genre:Comedy of mannerisms, British eccentricity, Cult favourite
Starring:Steve Coogan, Felicity Montagu, Simon Greenall
No. of seasons:2

Alan Partridge, after the murderous end of Knowing me Knowing You, returns in this truly brilliant comedy.
His is one of the finest comedy character creations of all time, infusing effortlessly every trait in a person that it is possible to deplore: Self serving, thoughtless, insensitive, mindless, selfish, arrogant. And these are just his good points.
Brought to life magnificently by the great Steve Coogan, 'I'm Alan Partridge' sees the one time TV show presenter relegated to Radio Norwich on the graveyard shift. The frustration he feels is palpable, and his anger and resentment are the focus of much of the comedy, as well as his increasingly desperate excuses for why he lives in a Travel Tavern, at least during season one.
A great show, full of arse clenching embarrassment, pithy one liners and one of the best supporting casts on the screen.
Highly recommended.

UPDATE - Rumours persist of an Alan Partridge movie, though whether this will ever be realised remains to be seen. The date keeps being pushed back, which is never a good sign, and nobody associated with the show will confirm or deny either way.
We shall have to wait and see.
Find an episode guide here:

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